
Thursday, September 22, 2005

Green With Angry

So I went and exorcised my demoncratic right to vote on Friday from half a world away. I left work at lunchtime and walked briskly to Bank tube station, jumped on a tube to another station and made my way to Piccadilly Circus ("what a crappy circus", points awarded for guessing the movie quote) and then to NZ house. It seemed like every Kiwi in London had the same idea as I was confronted by a large, slow moving queue and after voting (two ticks for National - a tactical vote to try and do anything to keep the Greens out of power, just don't get me started on them and the little bubble world that they live in, ohhh they just get me so angry!!!) and reversing the afore mentioned travel method (using "Green" transport, ha ha) I arrived back at work an hour and a half later, the only problem being that I have an hour for lunch. Not to worry though, nothing a few minutes working late didn't fix. Had a beer with the people I work with and then met up with The Clownman. A couple more beers, some quality conversation and a couple of hours later and I was back at Bank Station heading home. I really have lost my beer tolerance I came home and fell asleep almost immediately, a far cry from all those epic nights at Barneys (RIP).

1 comment:

Jimmy Jangles said...

Lost ur beer tolerance? Is this really the blog of Asterix??? I knew u were old man but his is rediculous.....