
Friday, September 30, 2005

Damn It!!

Don't you just hate it when you leave the house on the way to work and forget to take your sounds with you!! This is exactly what I did this morning, leaving my new Creative 1gb MP3 player (by the way these are really great, I'd totally recommend them to anyone thinking of buying a smallish MP3 player and I'm glad I didn't get the iPod Nano considering the screen problems that they are having) sitting on the dresser, so instead of being treated to the sweet, soulful melodies of Metallica, Black Label Society or The Datsuns etc I was subjected to the low frequency rumbles and onomatopoeic 'clack' of the train track

Thankfully the carriage I got into was rather full, now normally I would be complaining about this sort of thing, as I hate being squished up against some overweight oaf smelling of B.O. However, the Gods were smiling on me this morning as I had the fortune of being squished (well standing at close proximity really) next to a rather pretty lass, for the duration of the journey. We shall see how the Gods treat me on the return journey home this evening.

The moral of the story: maybe I should forget my sounds more often.

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